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Sound Journeys

‘In sound we are born, in sound we are healed.’
— Mehtab Bentonurce

The sound waves draw your brain waves into theta and delta states, which are the slowest in humans and therefore invoke a sense of deep relaxation. In this state your body releases the hormones oxytocin (love/kindness hormone) and serotonin (happyness hormone), as well as Nitric oxide, which helps with immunity.


Your thinking mind drops away, giving you the freedom to explore the space between being asleep and awake.

In this space, you’re more likely to find answers to questions you’ve been searching for, creative ideas, clarity, an understanding of internal blockages, peace - ultimately a sense of coming home.


The body is essentially tuned back to a state of balance and harmony through use of healing vibrations and intention.

We trust that music can heal your soul

What is a Sound Journey? Think of it as an experience where sound can be used to transport you to a dream-like state of vibrational healing.⁠ ⁠Sound journey is a form of meditation based in science, sprinkled with magic. The best explanation is in the experience.​“Truth is that which can never be spoken“ — Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Sound and Music​.

What to expect from our Sound Journeys

We will start the experience by a sharing circle and settling intentions, still on the shore. Then we will start the motor and launch to our spot on the sea. 

On the rooftop at the turning of the night you might get into a comfortable position lying down with the use of yoga mats, cushions, pillows, blankets - anything that will help you be at ease and cozy.⁠ ⁠


Then, you'll begin to tune into a guided relaxation and meditation. There is nothing for you to do, just be. ⁠ ⁠


With the support of music and instruments such as singing bowls, steel tongue drum, and percussion, and the sound journey will start as the vibrations resonate in your body.

You may experience a number of different sensations. Commonly reported are deep relaxation, emotional shifts, physical tingling, visions of beautiful colors, releasing of blockages, inspiration, retrieval of memories and an expanded awareness.⁠ ⁠You'll be in deep rest, or even deep sleep, cleansing, healing and harmonizing on all levels.⁠ ⁠

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